Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Why do we care what "people" think?

During the last few weeks we've discussed giving ourselves permission and being interesting, and I've gotten the impression that what holds us back from truly being ourselves is the fear of what others might think. 1st lunch talked about how they sometimes worry about what others might think about their clothes and their personalities. 1st and 2nd lunch also wondered why boys don't have these problems of having to worry about their clothes and hair. What do you guys think? Why do you think there's pressure on girls and not boys to have the latest clothes, cool hair, etc? Leave a comment and let us know your thoughts on this unfair double standard.

2nd and 3rd lunch sisters talked about how the desire for popularity or to impress the "popular" people can cause people to hide who they really are. One sister from 1st lunch said that "I'm who I want to be, not who they want me to be." Amen, sister! Way to own who you are!

Sisters from 1st and 2nd lunch also said that worrying about what "people" think might be keeping girls from from coming to the Sisterhood group on Wednesdays. What do you guys think of that? For our lurker sisters, who are on the blog but haven't come to any of the groups, is it fear of what others might think that's holding you back? If not, what is? Leave an anonymous comment and let us know.

For all sisters: what something that you've been holding back from the world, because of fears of what people might think? Here's your chance to anonymously share something that you've been holding back, and not have to worry about what others might think. So think about it, sisters, and leave a comment.


Anonymous said...

I would love to join the sisterhood of traveling lunches but I'd also like to hang out with my friends during lunch. Not all of my friends (that are girls) want to join the sisterhood of traveling lunches so I don't join you sisters during lunch. And, I don't have classes with most of my friends so lunch is our way of having fun and hanging out during the school week.

Anonymous said...

First of all I think girls wear the latest fashions because they want to impress people and become popular.