Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Media Isn't Fooling Me!

This week at the Sisterhood, we discussed the media and how it can affect our perceptions of what is "real". Specifically we discussed the magazine industry and how they doctor photos to make the models look prettier, skinnier etc. We took a quiz online to see how much magazines really alter photographs. You can take it here: We also watched the short video that follows the quiz. So take the quiz for yourself and let us know how you did. Were you surprised by what you saw? Post a comment and let us know.

The bottom line from all this is that when we're comparing ourselves to the models in these magazines, we comparing ourselves to ideals that aren't really achievable because these "perfect" models are being created by computers. All this to get us to buy clothes, make up, perfume, etc., but unfortunately it's at the expense of the self-esteem of girls everywhere, because they're wondering why they can't look that way. But it won't be at the expense of our self-esteem, sisters! We aren't going to let magazines make us feel bad about how we look anymore because now we know better, and the media is no longer fooling us!

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